What is java?
Java is a cross platform, object oriented, concurrent computer programming language.It was designed by
Sun microsystems in 1995.Now it maintain by
Oracle corporations.
What should know before install java?
We can find e types of packages in java.[ java ME(micro edition) ,java SE(standard edition) , java EE(enterprise edition)].
Generally we use java SE for software development.
When you downlaod java there are 2 types you can find.
jdk-java development kit
jre-java runtime environment
Above diagram show you jdk is a all inclusive package.I use java SE jdk package for installation.
1st Step
Go to this link and download jdk package which is matching to your system.Consider Operating system,bit version and jdk version.
2nd Step
Install application and reboot your computer.Now you can open command prompt by typing cmd in run place.Now type javac and press enter.It shows you an error message.That is why you cant run any java code in any place without changing environmental variables.You can run java codes in bin folder in your java installed place.
3rd Step
Now go to
My Computer ->Properties ->Advanced ->Environment Variables.
Then go to user variables and find path variable.Select it and then select edit.Now you can see variable name and variable value.there can be already value but some time free text box.Now go to java bin folder and copy and paste it in field of value.
Ex- ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin .Now put a semicoalan before C if only pre values there.
Do same thing to the system variables.
After all press ok and reboot your computer.
Now get command prompt and type javac and press enter.If your java is working properly you can see this list.Now you can compile your java programmes at any place you want.
See you again next time.