December 8, 2016

SAML Assertion Query/Request Profile- WSO2 IS Client Configuration

In this post I will explain you how to test Assertion Query/Request profile feature in WSO2 Identity server v 5.3.0 and onward.First you need to clone or download client application from the below git repository.

Start Identity Server, select Service Providers---> Add and create new service provider. Here I create as service provider.
WSO2 IS Create Service Provider 
Now go to Home > Manage > Keystores > List and click on import cert. Browse to below path and import certificate into Identity Server.

CERTIFICATE_FILE_PATH : wso2-is-assertion-query-client\src\test\resources\soa.cert

Now you need to configure newely created service provider. So go to Home> Identity > Service Providers > List> SAML SSO Configuration and add aseertion consumers URL, certificate alias and so on as below.
Configure service Provider
Go to WSO2IS_HOME/repository/conf/identity/identity.xml and check the Assertion builder class. For this profile we use custom assertion builder which has capability to persist Assertions on database.Check for SAMLSSOAssertionBuilder element and value should be
When users login, created assertions persist in IDN_SAML2_ASSERTION_STORE table on H2 database. You can verify, is that table available on database server referring below tutorial.

You can try a test login using service provide by accessing this URL
https://localhost:9443/samlsso? with 'admin' username and 'admin' password. Check database for newely created assertion.
Assertion Query Request feature support below request message types.

1. AssertionID Request - require to store assertions
2. AttributeQuery - not required to store assertions
3. AuthnQuery - required
4. AuthzDecision - required
5. SubjectQuery -not required

Now we are ready to test a scenario. I select AssertionID Request to test. Now open above repository source codes using your IDE and go to wso2-is-assertion-query-client\src\test\java\org\wso2\carbon\identity\query\saml\test . Open
Copy a AssertionID from your database--> table-->column  IDN_SAML2_ASSERTION_STORE.SAML2_ID  and assign value to ASSERTION_ID variable in above class. Run the main() of  SAMLAssertionIDRequestClient class.
Here you can see generated request message.
And the response message from IS

As above you can try other messages also with changing SessionIndex, subject, attributes and so on.


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